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Opalescence GO Teeth Whitening Trays and Opalescence Tooth Whitening Toothpaste Kit

Les dentifrices blanchissants aident à éliminer les taches de surface lors du brossage grâce à leurs propriétés abrasives. La plupart des dentifrices blanchissants ne sont pas recommandés pour une utilisation à long terme en raison de leur abrasivité. Cependant, en raison de Opalescence Whitening Toothpaste’s formula, it is gentle enough for everyday use while still abrasive enough to remove enamel surface stains. Tooth sensitivity is a relatively common side effect of whitening. If sensitivity occurs, it is transient and disappears after the completion of the whitening procedure. However, most Opalescence products include PF (potassium nitrate and fluoride) desensitizing agents for additional comfort. Findings have confirmed that the potassium nitrate and fluoride actually help to reduce cavities, minimize sensitivity, increase enamel hardness, and improve the overall health of the teeth.1-5 Research has shown that just as hydrogen peroxide penetrates through the enamel and dentin to the pulp, so does potassium nitrate. Potassium nitrate acts more like an analgesic or anesthetic by keeping the nerve from repolarizing after it has depolarized in the pain cycle.17 Fluoride acts primarily as a tubule blocker, plugging the holes and slowing down the fluid flow that causes the sensitivity.
Prix de base pour le variant 147,90 €
121,90 €
Prix de vente hors-taxe121,90 €
Remise-26,00 €
Opalescence GO Teeth Whitening Trays and Opalescence Tooth Whitening Toothpaste Kit
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